NMU Wesley Campus Ministry is an intentional and expansive faith community that supports students and young adults in their faith journey. NMU Wesley serves as a catalyst for faith exploration and growth as students journey through their time at Northern and beyond. We strive to do this by loving everyone and creating a community where everyone belongs as they are.
NMU Wesley is supported by Marquette Hope and housed in the Connection Center Campus. We collaborate with the Lutheran (ELCA), Presbyterian, and Episcopal Campus Ministries at Northern!
If you are interested in learning more about NMU Wesley, please be in contact with Erica Thomas, the NMU Wesley Director.
Her email is wesley@mqthope.com
Join the #withWesleyMIUMC cooperative fundraiser for Michigan Wesley Campus Ministries! You can give to support any or all of the Michigan Wesley Campus Ministries. If you would like to become a monthly support of NMU Wesley, we would celebrate being in ministry WITH you!